Sunshine Coast

Welcome to

the Sunshine Coast

solar battery installation

Sunshine Coast receives an average of 4-5 hours of daily sunshine, making it one of the best places to install solar panel systems. At Solar Sumo, we are dedicated to providing top-notch solar panel installations and customised solar solutions for residents and businesses on the Sunshine Coast.


Why Choose Solar on the Sunshine Coast

Energy Independence

By harnessing solar power, you attain a remarkable level of energy independence on the Sunshine Coast. Solar panels empower you to generate your electricity, freeing you from the uncertainty of fluctuating energy prices and reducing your vulnerability to utility rate hikes. This means you can take control of your energy costs, plan your budget with confidence, and enjoy greater financial stability. No longer will you be at the mercy of rising electricity prices, providing peace of mind for your household or business.



Choosing solar energy on the Sunshine Coast is a conscious step toward eco-friendly living, and it perfectly aligns with the region's steadfast commitment to environmental sustainability. Solar power is a clean and renewable energy source that significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions. By opting for solar, you directly contribute to cleaner air and a healthier natural environment for the entire community. This sustainable choice helps mitigate climate change and fosters a greener, more harmonious future for the Sunshine Coast.

Increased Property Value

Investing in solar panels does more than just lower your energy bills; it can also substantially enhance the value of your Sunshine Coast property. Solar-equipped homes and businesses are increasingly sought after by environmentally-conscious buyers and tenants. These green-minded individuals are drawn to properties that offer sustainable energy solutions, which can lead to higher resale and rental potential. Installing solar panels not only benefits your wallet but also positions your property as an attractive and forward-thinking investment in a region that values sustainability and eco-conscious living.

Our Sunshine Coast Services

Residential Solar

Solar Sumo offers end-to-end residential solar services on the Sunshine Coast, providing a seamless transition to clean and sustainable energy for your home. Our dedicated team collaborates closely with you to tailor a solar system that not only meets your unique energy needs but also complements the aesthetics of your property.

We handle every aspect of the process, from the initial solar panel installation to ongoing maintenance, ensuring a hassle-free experience. With Solar Sumo, you can effortlessly transform your Sunshine Coast residence into an energy-efficient and eco-friendly living space while enjoying the peace of mind that comes with our comprehensive residential solar solutions.

Commercial Solar

Embracing solar energy on the Sunshine Coast isn't just about cost savings; it's a strategic move that can give your business a competitive edge in today's eco-conscious market. At Solar Sumo, our commercial solar solutions cater to a wide range of businesses, each with its unique energy demands and sustainability goals. 

Whether you run a bustling restaurant, a thriving hotel, a manufacturing facility, or any other enterprise, we specialise in large-scale commercial installations that can be customised to maximise your energy savings and minimise your carbon footprint. By choosing our solar solutions, you not only reduce operating costs and enhance profitability but also boldly showcase your commitment to a greener, more sustainable future.

solar panels sunshine coast

Solar Incentives and Support

Government Incentives

The Sunshine Coast is fortunate to have various government incentives, rebates, and feed-in tariffs that make solar energy even more appealing. These incentives can significantly reduce the upfront costs of solar installation and increase the financial returns on your investment. Our team stays up to date with the latest incentives and will help you navigate through the available options to maximise your savings.

Financial Returns

Investing in solar energy on the Sunshine Coast not only helps you save on your energy bills but also offers attractive financial returns. By producing your own clean energy, you can reduce your reliance on the grid and mitigate the impact of rising energy costs. Additionally, the excess energy you generate can be fed back into the grid, earning you credits and further reducing your electricity expenses.

Embark on Your Sunshine Coast

Solar Journey

Ready to harness the power of the sun and embark on your Sunshine Coast solar journey? Schedule a complimentary consultation with our solar experts to assess your solar potential and explore personalised solutions. We'll guide you through every step of the process, from initial assessment to system design, installation, and ongoing support.

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